

飞翔的荷兰人号 The Flying Dutchman




荷兰人号又被称为飞翔的荷兰人号(英语:The Flying Dutchman。又译作漂泊的荷兰人,彷徨的荷兰人,飞行的荷兰人等),是传说中一艘永远无法返乡的幽灵船,注定在海上漂泊航行。飞翔的荷兰人号通常在远距离被发现,有时还散发着幽灵般的光芒。据说如果有其他船只向她打招呼,她的船员会试图托人向陆地上或早已死去的人捎信。在海上传说中,与这艘幽灵船相遇在航海者看来是毁灭的征兆。在德文里(fliegend)是用来表示一种持续飞行的状态,形容受诅的荷兰人永远飘流在海上,四处航行,却始终无法靠岸的悲惨宿命。

关于飞翔的荷兰人号的故事在航海传说中有很多个版本,与之相关的是福肯伯格船长(Captain Falkenburg)的中世纪传奇故事,他以自己的灵魂为赌注与魔鬼掷骰子,被诅咒在北海不停往返直到审判日。

对飞翔的荷兰人号的第一次详细的描述应该是布莱克伍德杂志(Blackwood's Magazine)1821年五月刊上的一篇文章,事件发生的地点是好望角。随后又有多次目击,并被记载于许多书籍杂志当中。



The Flying Dutchman, is a fictional ship in Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean. The ship made its first appearance in Dead Man's Chest under the command of the fictional captain, Davy Jones. The story and attributes of the ship were inspired by the actual Flying Dutchman of nautical lore.

As explained in the movie, the character of Davy Jones was given the Flying Dutchman by Calypso, his lover, to ferry souls lost at sea to the afterlife. When she neglected to meet him after his first ten years of duty, he was both heartbroken and enraged He abandoned his duties and chose to wander the seas, doing as he pleased. This violation of his duty placed a curse on Jones and his crew, slowly transforming them into monsters. Apparently, the Dutchman is also believed to be nautical lore in the Pirates universe, as character James Norrington mockingly remarks, "[Davy Jones]...captain of the Flying Dutchman?." The fictional Dutchman is also known as a fearful ship to those who are superstitious, and able to destroy any vessel.