

引力波成网红 聊聊最近超火的天文八卦 The Newest Detection Of Gravitational Waves



现在谜底揭晓:没有大家期待的外星人。北京时间2017年10月16日22:00(美国东部时间10月16日10时),LIGO-Virgo 科学合作组及全球各主要天文台同步发布重大天文学发现:首次直接探测到了由双中子星并合产生的时空涟漪——引力波及其伴随的电磁信号,正式编号——GW170817。



是不是觉得懂得这么高深知识的科学家们棒棒的?如果你也想成为科学家为人类和我们的家园造福,需要具备相当程度的科学素养~ 积木英语不仅仅是搭建积木和学习英语,也在这个过程中还培养了小盆友们创造力、动手能力,而这些是叩开科学大门的基础。来到积木英语,对于孩子来说会是一个不错的选择哟~

On October 16, 2017, the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Virgo Collaboration, and its partners announced the first observation of gravitational-waves-ripples in space-time-  from the spectacular collision of two neutron stars. Electromagnetic emission from the resulting collision was also observed in multiple wavelength bands. This occured on August 17, 2017 and represents the first time a cosmic event was observed with both gravitational waves and light.

Is that cool? In the Block-Building English class1, students can embrace the advancing scientific information and empowers its students to become bilingual, multi-cultural and globally-minded citizens who are equipped with the knowledge and integrity to function successfully, responsibly and effectively in an ever-evolving environment. Follow our official Wechat public account to learn more about Block-Building English and contact us to learn even more!